Launching a new collaboration: Wildlife Venture Labs

Internet of Elephants and The Luc Hoffmann Institute are partnering up to create a Wildlife Venture Lab to generate potential game-changing ideas for conservation and its financing.

At IoE, we’ve long been advocating for innovation in the conservation business model. If we want wildlife and wild places to thrive, we need to have an abundance of resources to help us get there. Yet conservation has only a few revenue streams, primarily eco-tourism, hunting, and charitable donations. 

But the conservation sector has an incredible untapped asset: the terabytes of data that scientists and researchers collect every year about wildlife and its habitats.

How might we use that data to create new revenue streams for wildlife and its conservation? That is the question at hand.

Since IoE began each of our digital products has been an experiment in creating a marketplace for wildlife data. These experiments have given us great insights into the conditions for potential success.

Therefore, we are really excited to team up with the Luc Hoffmann Institute. The Luc Hoffmann Institute understands that innovation will be crucial to maintaining our biodiversity. It identifies the most promising innovators and ideas in the conservation space and connects them to investors, who are provided with impactful, exciting initiatives.

The co-creation of the ‘Wildlife Venture Lab’ bundles our respective areas of expertise. Over the next few months, we will bring together some of the best minds in design, business, and technology to create potential breakthrough ideas and prepare them for investment.  

For more about the collaboration, visit the Luc Hoffmann Institute website. To get updates on the collaboration and its outcomes, sign up for our newsletter.


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